Monday, October 29, 2012

September 10, 2012
Lily was luckily enough to have Grandparents day fall on her birthday. Gammie and Potts, and Grandma Tatum were all able to come to her school and read there favorite stories to her. Gammie even read one to the whole class. Lily loved being able to have them come!                                                      
After school we went with Grandma Tatum to Village Pizza for lunch. Lily loves that pizza place! We didn't get any pictures though! 

When daddy got home we headed to the Tracy Aviary downtown. 


Lily picked Mcdonalds for her birthday dinner and we let them play at the play area for awhile. On the way home to have cake we decided that maybe the cake was a little big for just us so we called a few friends on the way there to come help us eat it. 

They were sweet enough to bring gifts even with the short notice. 

Tangled packback and hair accessories from the Greenwoods

Money from Great Grandma Collier

The kids malling Lily, not sure who this gift was from. 

Card from Grandma Tatum and figurine

Scooter from Mom and Dad 

Her sisters also gave her some my little ponies and money from Gammie and Potts. She got some great things and loved all of them! 

She had requested a Zoo Birthday so here was her cake. And yes I did it myself. It was my hardest one so far! 

Happy 6th Birthday to our spunky little Lily! She is my big helper and a loving sister! She loves puzzles, playing with friends, reading, school, gymnastics, and spending time doing fun family activities. We love you so much! 

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