Sunday, January 27, 2013

Lucy Julienne Warner

December 12, 2012
I love all the sweet little babies being added to our family and really wish I could hold this little one! Jenni, Lucy's sweet mom, was scheduled for a c-section on 12-13-12. Lucy decided to come early and Jenni's water broke on 12-12-12 and she was born later that day. Not only was she born on such a cool day, she also happens to be the twelfth grandchild on BOTH sides of the family and L is the twelfth letter in the alphabet. Although we haven't been able to hold her or see her we still love looking at pictures and can't wait until we can meet her! Congrats Jenni and Mark and welcome Lucy to such a great family!
(thanks for letting me steal this photo from your blog Gammie!)

Lucy Julienne Warner 

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