Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Fall Festival and Baby Aiden

 September 15, 2012
Our neighborhood had a "fall festival" that was in preparation for the BYU and U of U game. They put both colors all over the park, we had a BBQ, yummy food, minute to win it games, face painting, a bouncy house, and everyone wore there color. It was fun to see who went for which team and even some split families! It was a really fun way to enjoy the rivalry without bad feelings! To bad we cant do it again next year. 

 Kid minute to win it games 

 Our friend Brian Wells for the BYU side, and Bishopric member Guy Johnson for U of U. 

Dave wasn't able to go because of a school thing, but we represented well! Thanks to the Dixon's for planning it all! 

That night we got to go see our newest nephew, Aiden, born to Mike and Dez Collier on September 13, 2012. He was absolutely precious! We didn't have the camera with us so I borrowed this one from my in laws blog! Congrats you guys! 

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