Saturday, September 8, 2012

Stake Activity

August 18, 2012
We had a Family Fun Stake activity that I went to with the younger girls (Dave had taken Lily to Seven Peaks). I had signed up to take cupcakes of the cupcake walk. I hurried through the cupcakes, but they still turned out okay! 

 The actual activity was a blast! They had all sorts of fun things for kids. We got there a lithe early because we dropped off the cupcakes, but it was nice because we didn't have to wait long to do a bunch of the things .

Go fishing for candy


 Horse shoes

 Toss the bees into the funny pot

 Face Painting

 Animal Cart ride

 Plinko resulting in candy 

 Balloon Animals

 Paisley loved her hat and it quickly turned into several other things.

They also had free hot dogs, cotton candy, snow cones, cupcakes, a bouncy house, more games, and a magic show. It turned out to be a fun more with the girls before we headed to more fun at a birthday party! 

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